Yesterday I was asked to Read the Future of the City and in the wake of Brexit*, I didn’t feel like the future (at least the near future) was looking very bright nor prosperous. I went to City Arcadia Festival‘s evening with Lauren Heywood where we played cards and drank (super yummy) soup. Lauren Heywood,…
Category: Community
Blabbing with Game Changers
As part of the Game Changers programme, I was always keen to have a global conversation to echo what gamification in learning can afford. As a learner and teacher of open programmes, I believe that the connected network has so much to offer learners, disregarding whether they are formally known as teachers or students. We…
Game Changers is coming!
We don’t have to wait much longer before we launch the pilot of Game Changers! I have been working with Sylvester Arnab and Alex Masters to develop the programme. During the Disruptive Media Learning Lab’s first year, there were many requests for game development support; however, tailor making games for individual modules will inevitably take…
Take a Selfie!
Last week saw two campaigns I support have their nights of fame. On Wednesday I was supporting the Get Your Belly Out campaign for a Twitter Takeover to raise awareness for Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis UK. Inflametary Bowel Disease carries a huge stigma because of its ‘invisible’ nature; many bellies in the community are facing a…
Should Cinema Stop Illegal Downloads? A Response
Jonny Bark posted yesterday his thoughts on cinema, and film piracy. And I must say, I have a few thoughts myself. The way I see it is that film and music are completely different from one another and their respective industries. Although in today’s understanding, the actual difference between a song (MP3) and a video…
See you soon Santander!
Thank you Charo, Ana, Gonzalo and Jesus for my gifts and letter! Looking forward to organising fun things for Santander Photo 2016. I am also super pleased I have been sent a Terriotorios Libres Pasaporte to take a look at- the little cogs are going thinking about how they can be used with children participating…
Santander Photo Exhibition, 2 years on
It’s been two years since the #Picbod class took flight opened the first Santander Photo Festival. I have had chance to reflect on this collaboration recently and think about how learning communities are extremely powerful and can truly build friendships. I still speak to Charo often about possible collaborations and projects, albeit it is very…
Phonar Nation celebrating new collaborations
Its been a lovely school year exploring photography with you and Jonathan and St. Andrews. Lots more possibilities for next school year too.Thank you for sending us goodies to hand out to the students. I will absolutely let you know when they arrive and tweet out portraits of the students holding the goodies. Elysia, GEMS…
Online communities making a big impact on creative practice
So, I went with Jonathan Worth to Lincoln University on Monday to speak to academic staff and students about open and connected photography courses. Something that budding creative practitioners have to tackle is getting work seen above all others. Now in photography, in an age which is image rich, standing out and having an audience…
Transparent Blogging
This week’s #dmlcommons welcomed the blog sisters – high five ladies! I sometimes wonder what I must look like when I’m sat smiling and nodding at my computer because when I caught up with the Hangout on Air, it just solidified everything I thought I knew about why I blog. I’ve moved from (in 8…