Since being awarded as one of the Internet Society’s 25 Under 25 I have been quite busy with different requests and such like. I was invited to speak to some young people at a primary school about digital footprints and online safety. Talking about the Internet and its challenges is not something I am used…
Tag: digital
Error 404 – Bathing for Internet Access
I am really not one to get excited about anything material. But when I learned about this charity bath bomb that is available in Lush stores until the end of the month, I was itching to part with my cash to get my hands on one. Lush has partnered with Access Now to help raise…
#phonar at UC Irvine
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks and I am feeling super excited about how Phonar and Phonar Nation are moving forward. Phonar always used to thrive in the autumn (or the fall for any American readers) when the undergraduate class would run, but for the first time it was unhitched from this norm… Jonathan…
Workshop for Films to Make you Feel Good
In the midst of working with researchers and project leads pioneering with innovations in pedagogy, I find myself often forgetting my background in the creative arts. As part of my role as Projects and Community Assistant, I manage students and graduates who work ad-hoc on projects in different capacities; some of these are media production…
#FilmandFilms: The Cinema Paradigm Shift “a projectionist has become an overhead the cinema no longer needs” [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] An audio response to Jonny’s first point about the paradigm shift. Jonny mentioned about the redundancy of the projectionist, but I’d argue whether this actually makes it any more affordable to go digital to both…
Should Cinema Stop Illegal Downloads? A Response
Jonny Bark posted yesterday his thoughts on cinema, and film piracy. And I must say, I have a few thoughts myself. The way I see it is that film and music are completely different from one another and their respective industries. Although in today’s understanding, the actual difference between a song (MP3) and a video…
Research: Getty Images
In 1995, Mark Getty and Jonathan Klein founded Getty Images to bring the fragmented stock photography business into the digital age. And that’s exactly what they did. We were the first company to license imagery online – and have continued to drive the industry forward with breakthrough licensing models, digital media management tools and a…
National Archives and Records Administration – Digitising Archives Research
This brings up points of what I am researching: – digital can be easily searched and delivered – digital is vulnerable to new forms (tampering, storage failures) – use digital differently from paper records Technicalities: This is really technically in depth; however, the on going debate is how a system is…
Digitising Archives: A Youtube Investigation
What better way to find out about which archives are being digitised than going on Youtube. It is interesting how they explain what they are doing with the archive and how it can be accessed by people on the web. Netherlands digitising books, scanning and processing into word documents London Pulse British…
Define :
For my archive project, I felt that what I needed to do was address terms and what their definitions are; and, more interestingly, their popularity over time. So the term ‘archive’ has been used more commonly after 1900 and exponentially since the 1960s. However, whether this result correlates to internet or written mentions, I’m not…